Thomas Lee Meek

A dinner to honor Thomas Lee Meek, 66, Lawrence, will be held at 2 pm Thursday, February 13, 2014, at the VFW in Lawrence.

Thomas died Monday, February 3, 2014, at Hickory Pointe Care Center in Oskaloosa, from a long battle with lung cancer.

He was born Sept. 20, 1947, in Springfield, Mo. to Robert and Dianna Meek.  He was an outstanding member of the VFW.

He was married to Debra West for 41 years.  Survivors include two daughters, Heather Meek, Baldwin City, and Jamie Conklin, Tonganoxie; five grandchildren, Kayla Dick, Tonganoxie, Bradley Dick, Topeka, Sharon Meek, Springfield, Mo.,  Samantha Boswell, Springfield, Mo., and Brianna Conklin, Tonganoxie; one great grandchild, Mareana Osborn, Baldwin City; a brother, Samuel Meek, California; two nieces and one nephew.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Debra Meek, and a grandson, James Dick.

Messages & Condolences

From Dawn...

Tommy was the like a father to me, I wish I could’ve been there. I love him & will miss him. And for those of you that don’t know, I lost my aunt Debbie going 2 years ago on Mother’s Day. My uncle Tommy was her world and now they can be together…. Thank you Jamie & Andy for being there & as for anyone else that may have also been.

I didn’t get to see you be for you left,
Didn’t get to say my good bye’s,
didn’t get to hug you & kiss you good night, didn’t get to tell you how much I was proud to have you as a father figure in my life.
Realization has finally hit.
And now with my pain I sit.
Tell me how to handle this
All I can do is reminisce.
I wish to hear your voice.
For us to rejoice.
The nightmare is real.
My wounds they did not heal.
Now that I come to understand
You had someone (Jamie) there to hold your hand…
I wish for just a hug, a glance
Perhaps another chance.
and I wont get the chance to say I love you one more time.
I wish I could have those chances,
but I am glad to have had the chance of having a uncle like you.
Thank you Dad!

From jenni...

so sorry for your loss debbie,

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