Lori Wray Shattuck

No services are planned at this time for Lori Wray Shattuck, 58, Lawrence.

She died February 18, 2021, at her home.

Messages & Condolences

From Diana Spilman...

In loving memory of Lori Wray Shattuck,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Lori touched many hearts and lives with her beautifully written musical compositions and her creative genius.She will be missed on this earth dearly and will always be remembered for her witty and creative mind and her heart of gold. I will always remember Lori as a unique and beautiful soul.

From Steven Wolcott...

Prayers for friends and family. I graduated LHS with Lori in 1981. She was great as Ado Annie in Oklahoma.

From Pam Petrie...

I’m so sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers to her loved ones.

Messages are closed.