Kimberlye R. Halderman (Little)

Kimberlye R. Halderman (Little) passed on May 9th, 2024 after a long batter with cancer. Kim was born July 9th, 1965 in Lawrence, and attended Lawrence public schools. She was a lifelong Lawrence resident.

Kimberlye worked various jobs in her life. The past 20-plus years were spent at Berry Global. She was the supervisor at the Berry West plant in Lecompton over the printing department. This position was her passion. She would work all hours of the day and night to make sure that everyone was doing their jobs, helping people to advance within the company, and to stay safe. Kim was dedicated to her employees both at work, and personally. Her co-workers were her family. This family is what kept her fighting for the past three years.

Kimberlye is survived by her partner Larry Miskimen of the home, 2 sisters: Naoma McElroy, Bonnye Little-Hadl (George), 2 brothers: Doc and Dorse, all of Lawrence, 2 nieces, Rebecca and Theresa, Larry’s extended family that she also considered hers, and many others.

Kimberlye was preceded in death by her parents, Vernon and Virginia Little, and a brother, Clyde Little.

The family would like to thank her Berry Global family for all of the cards, flowers, love and support they have provided both Kimberlye and Larry during this journey, and now, at this time of loss.

There will not be a service, per Kimberlye’s request. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.