Barbara Ann Smalter

Barbara Ann Mansfield Smalter, 93, departed Lawrence, KS, November 20th, 2021

Wife to Donald J, sister to Francis and Wayne, mother to five children, all current or previous residents of Lawrence- Kent, Greg, Marty, Colleen, Janet, and grandmother, great grandmother to all of our children. A loving mother challenged with raising children in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, defender of women’s rights at all dinner discussions, community support advocate providing time and funds to Habitat for Humanity and countless Meals on Wheels deliveries, and believer of God. Mom was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, MI, traveled around the world, lived in many places, and chose Lawrence, KS in her final years to nurture her family while longing to return to the subtropical weather of Florida where she once lived. May she be basking in the warmth of golden sunshine, Rest in Peace Mom.

A private memorial service will be held January 15th with family, photos, memories, laughter, tears and love. In lieu of flowers, please donate to her granddaughter’s organization, The Sexual Trauma & Abuse Care Center online at or through Venmo @stacarecenter.