Donald Edward Stalkfleet

Services for Donald Stalkfleet will be announced at a later dateas the family has decided to do a celebration of life later this summer.

Mr. Stalkfleet died Monday, April 4th 2022, at Lawrence Memorial Hospital.

Don was born January 7, 1955, in Lawrence KS, the son of Robert and Freda Stalkfleet. He graduated from Lawrence High School in 1973 and finished his Pipefitters apprenticeship four years later.

Don followed in his fathers foot steps right out of high school.  He went into the plumbers and pipefitters union where he became a well known welder for many years.  Don was also an avid outdoorsman.  He started when he was at a very young age and continued this on with his daughter Kylee, who would go duck hunting with him every chance she could.  She would always remind him to “hunker down dad.”  When Kylee slowly got out of the hunting scene, Don got his younger child, Travis into it.  They were gone every weekend, either hunting, at a 3D archery shoot, or on a fishing trip.

Don was also well known for his tough love coaching.  He coached little league football, and baseball.  He was known for being very vocal at practices, and teaching fundamentals at every level so “the boys” could thank him later.

Mr. Stalkfleet was a Pipefitter/Welder from 1973 until he retired in 2018. He was an active member of the plumbers and pipefitters LU 441.

He married Linda Yowell in 1984.  Linda precedes him in death.  She died in a car wreck in Lawrence KS, in 1999.

Survivors include a son, Travis Stalkfleet of Dodge City KS. And a daughter Kylee Conrad of Olathe KS.

Donald is also preceded in death by his grandson Peyton Conrad, son of Kylee and Jason Conrad who died in 2008